
Closing for the Usui Retreat

Spring is just around the corner...

To all of you that participated, thank you for joining with us in the December 2005 virtual retreat. The next one will begin on June 21st. We now have celebrated the end of 2005 and the beginning of 2006.

In a few days I will be celebrating my 61st birthday. I am off to Thessalonica, Greece for three weeks on February 1st to teach Reiki and a self development course “Opening your Heart.” When I am there I plan to meditate and make more mantra beads- which are a sense of joy for me. You will be able to see the results when I return on my web pages www.mantrabeads.com

I am in the process of setting my teaching schedule for the year, Australia is set for November. I am happy to talk with you about organizing courses in your area, contact me at MariHall@hotmail.com

My book Reiki for the Soul will be published in the USA the first part of the year and I will be offering online mentoring to facilitate you through the book. Stay turned for an announcement soon.

I encourage you to take time to connect to nature and breathe…being centered and connected also helps to you to think and feel clearly. In that peaceful place we are also able to see all that we are gifted with each and everyday.

One thing for sure the months of 2006 will pass marked by one special event after another that is why the following articles are so timely. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Love and Blessings,


The Joy of Being

Celebrating The In-Between Times

While celebrations are intended to honor life's more momentous occasions, much of real life tends to happen during the in-between times. While moving from one moment in time to the next is seldom considered a significant occurrence, it is during those in-between times that we are most in tune with life's most profound, albeit simple joys. Between birth and death, triumph and sorrow, beginnings and endings, we enjoy innumerable experiences that often happen unnoticed. These times are just as worthy of celebration. The in-between times are seldom about landmark moments. How you choose to celebrate them or which moments you choose to celebrate is up to you. You may want to celebrate the simple facts that you are alive and that every day is a chance to spend time with the people you care about or do the work that you love. Then again, when you look at the good that exists in your life, many reasons for celebrating the in-between times may become clear: a cup of your favorite tea, a beautiful sunrise, a good book, and the smell of fresh air can be reasons for celebration. Celebrating the in-between times can be as easy as paying special attention to them when they do happen, rather than taking them for granted. It's your focus of attention that can turn an in-between time into a celebration. You can also pay homage to the in-between times by slowing down and allowing yourself time to look around and allow your heart and mind to take in all of your life's wonders. Far too often, we can let those simple moments of awe pass us by. The in-between times are when life happens to us between the pauses that we take to honor our milestones occasions. Without the in-between times, there would be no big moments to celebrate.

Growing Pains

Initiations for Growth

Life is about growth, which is wonderful, though not always easy. Indeed, many of life's lessons can be painful or difficult. Yet, such challenges are often the ones that present the most opportunity for spiritual growth. Initiations for growth come in many forms. In fact, we can view every challenge in life as an opportunity to learn and grow. While these disruptions in life are not easy, they are necessary. The challenges the universe sends us can seem unbearable at times: a job we don't want to spend another day at, a broken heart that feels as if it will never heal, or a long and painful illness. And then, there are the challenges that can be just as scary because we are being called to step up to the plate in ways that we may think we are not yet ready for: overcoming our fears in order to realize a lifelong dream, leaving behind a situation or people in our life that we may have outgrown, or moving across the world for our dream job or life partner. At such times, it can feel as if the world is testing us and that life is asking more of us than we think we can give. We may feel uncomfortable, frightened, and unsure of what to do. However, life isn't so much going against us as it is encouraging us to grow. During these periods, we can grow stronger by putting one foot in front of the other, as we work through our challenges. We may be asked to let go of old safety measures, shift old patterns of behavior, or step into the abyss of the unknown. When we do rise to the occasion, we end up better off for having made that journey. Not only do we end up learning and growing, but we inevitably become more compassionate to the challenges of others and wiser in the ways of the world. Our faith in the universe also grows because, ultimately, we can't help but realize how much we are supported and taken care of at all times. When we are in the midst of a growing period, it is not easy to see our reward, but it is there, waiting for us to grow big enough to reach it.