
Usui Virtual Retreat June 2005 - Week One

Be the peace we wish to see in the world

Please join me on a marvelous adventure, an exploration into the knowingness that you personally are, and we collectively are the peace we wish to see in the world.

I invite you to begin to see our world through the eyes of Gaia, our Mother Earth, and also through the infinite potential within the Heart and Mind of God. There is an evolutionary leap that is happening right now. It is happening by each of simply BEing who we truly are.

It is with soul felt gratitude that I offer the messages and journeys that the Reiki energy brings to us. I am forever thankful to Usui Sensei for sharing the beautiful gift of Reiki with us, and for the magnificent light that is enveloping our planet

Let’s begin this week with a message and meditation offered to us by Gaia, the Soul Essence of our Mother Earth.

“Welcome children of peace, I embrace you. Thank you for hearing this message and opening your hearts, minds and souls to the energy upon and within these words. You are remembering your choice and I embrace you. You carry the peace ray within you. You hold the vision beyond the vision for you are the very essence of peace ...and you are remembering this.

Please pause for a moment and prepare to connect with the very essence of this message. You may begin by placing your focus upon your breath. Let it be deep, soothing, and calming. Allow yourself to begin to experience an expanded reality.

You may experience this by closing your eyes.... focus on your breath ... expand your awareness above you and around you ... intend to expand and become aware of your connection with the light of your soul. .. Breathe into this awareness ... now expand more and become aware of the light of your soul group ... breathe into this connection.... expand and become aware of your connection to the full intensity of the Divine heart and mind...breathe into this expanded awareness. Allow the full intensity of this light to flow . . . from the heart and mind of the Divine ... into the light of your soul group ... expanding its light ... breathe ... next allow the expanded light of your soul group to flow into the light of your soul ... breathe ... increase the light of your soul ... and now allow the full intensity of this expanded light to flow into your energy field and your physical body ... flowing from above ... around and within ... breathe ... breathe ... breathe ... feel the intensity of the light you now hold.

You are here in this moment to make the most important choice that you can make in this lifetime. That choice is whether you will accept the power of Divine love that you are. This choice is whether you will continue to accept that which you perceive to be darkness, or whether you will come to know that darkness is simply the conscious limitation of love. You have the choice to release the distraction of focusing on that which is not real, and to shift your focus to the Divine in all things.

You may choose to see peace as light. When you choose to BE that light of peace . . . peace will BE. It is that simple, for the Divine is not complicated and the Divine is unlimited. The frequency that is peace is stronger than all the darkness that some perceive to be exploding on the earth. I am the voice of mother earth, and I am the soul of reality.
Please know that which is not real is simply less than the full power of the light of Divine love. It is not truly dark, it is not evil, yet it is awakening light.
See my children ... See. See the wars; see the terror, see the pain as awakening light. See the transformational potential in this awakening and hold the great vision . . . hold the vision beyond all limits.

The great vision calls you ... it calls all light workers ... it calls all peace weavers to this purpose. The purpose is to be who you truly are, to be the light of peace and to place your focus always upon the light of Divine love which resides in all people, all actions, and all things. Light is awakening within even that which appears to be the darkest of the dark . . . and you each transmit the light that awakens ... you do this by being peace.
The intensity of Divine light is expanding ... the volume of light is increasing. This is the focus ... This is what you see.... the rest is invisible. Perhaps you will you will see the irony ... what humanity has perceived to be invisible is visible through the eyes of the soul. In the text of your Bible you find the Christed one of that time, the one known as Jesus to say in John 20:29… Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

You may ask ... have I felt peace within myself? Can I see peace in the same way as I can see war? If you have felt peace within yourself ... yet have not “seen” peace ... you still know that peace is very real. You see the invisible with the eyes of your soul. Together you have the power to awaken humanity to the age of peace. You have the power to transform the collective creative God consciousness by raising the frequency of the peace ray with your thoughts, words, visions and actions. As one prophet of peace implored you ... so do I implore you.... “Be the peace you want to see in the world.”

Laurelle Gaia

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